We work with the following organisations within the framework of our research on the effects of system constellations:
Wiesloch Institute for Systemic Solutions
Dr. Diana Drexler und Dr. Gunthard Weber
c/o Akademie im Park
69168 Wiesloch, Germany
Internet: www.wieslocher-institut.com
email: wisl@wieslocher-institut.com
APSYS – Institute for Systemic Practice
Guni Leila Baxa, Christine Blumenstein-Essen,
Riki Fink
A-8010 Graz, Austria
Internet: www.apsys.org
email: office@apsys.org
ISA Berlin - Institute for Systemic Constellations
Erdmuthe Kunath
Internet: mail@isa-berlin.de
Simon, Weber & Friends
Internet: www.simon-weber.de
UNIKIMS - Management School of the University of Kassel
Prof. Dr. Karin Lackner
Internet: www.unikims.de/mdob/mehrdimensionale-organisationsberatung