Kopfbild Komplexitätsmanagement

Decision making ability

The number of possible choices increases but so does the necessity of making a decision. This applies to both your own biographical decisions and to decisions within the framework of the organisational role. It is necessary for both executives and increasingly for employees to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty. The following types of questions are posed:

  • What alternatives do I have?
  • What led to me to being faced by exactly this alternative?
  • What additional possibilities are there?
  • How can I assess the alternatives?
  • How can I deal with the uncertainty of not knowing what is right or wrong?

The classic checklist methods are soon exhausted if the decisions involved require an emotional commitment. This is very much the case if the success of the path taken is dependent on the mental and emotional clarity with which it is pursued.

Our experience stretches back over 20 years and this allows us to access a wide range of methods. We make particular use of intuitive methods from the system constellation toolbox and other illustrative and directing processes.